
Time is your most valuable asset.

With an average of only 20 working days in each month, it’s essential to have a plan to maximize your productivity, hit your goals, and keep your momentum strong.

Check out our tips and tricks below (along with a 20-Day challenge!) to better equip you to maximize your month.

Let’s explore how to use these 20 days to drive success and reach new heights:

Set CLEAR Monthly Goals

Each month is a clean slate.

Start by defining clear, measurable goals for new business, renewals, cross-sales, and team development. For example:

  • Write 50 new policies.

  • Cross-sell 15 existing clients.

  • Conduct weekly team training sessions.

Break these goals into weekly and daily targets.

For example, if you aim for 50 new policies, that’s only 2-3 policies per day. 

*Check out the Pyramid of Minimum Expectations to see the process for achieving this*


Map Out Your Month

Each day is a new opportunity.

Breaking down your tasks into repeatable and high-performing time slots can make a big different in your EOM results.


Try using this template for your day as an LSP:

8:30-9 – Morning Training

9-11 – Hot Leads

11-1 – Warm Leads / Follow-Up

1-1:30 – Lunch

1:30-3:30 – Cold Leads / COI Follow-Up

3:30-5 – Admin Work


Start Every Day with Training and a Power Hour

The power of training cannot be overstated. All top-performers practice and curate their craft to become the best at what they do.

(If you’re planning to spend 40/hours a week, every week, doing something, why not be the best at it?)

Just 15 minutes of core CWC education and roleplay can mean all the difference when applied consistently.

When the clock hits “GO”, make sure you’re working on the most important opportunities:

  • Reaching out to top prospects.

  • Following up on yesterday’s leads.


Incorporate Team Training on a Consistent Basis

Top agencies aren’t built by luck, but rather determination and strong processes.

One of the best investments you can make for your agency is in your team’s growth.

Use your 20 working days to:

  • Host weekly training sessions focused on sales, objection handling, and product knowledge.

  • Roleplay common scenarios like overcoming price objections or cross-selling.

  • Share success stories and best practices from top performers in your office or area.

*If you’re unsure the best way to host these trainings, reach out! CWC has been doing this at a high-level since 2017*


Track Your Progress DAILY

Self-reflection is important to actually know what’s clicking, and what isn’t.

At the end of each day, evaluate your and your team’s performance:

  • Did you hit your daily targets?

  • What worked well, and where can you improve?

  • What’s your plan for tomorrow?


Celebrate Your Wins

Take time to acknowledge achievements, both big and small.

Whether it’s closing a massive policy, hitting a daily call target, or just overcoming one more objection, take a moment to appreciate your growth!



DAILY CHALLENGE: Make Every Day Count!

Day 1: Write down your monthly goals and break them into daily targets.

Day 2: Make 70 calls before noon.

Day 3: Roleplay the spousal objection with a teammate.

Day 4: Cross-sell at least one existing client.

Day 5: Schedule a training session with your team.

Day 6: Ask 3 clients for referrals.

Day 7: Review your weekly progress and celebrate your momentum. Now’s not the time to stop!

Day 8: Follow up with 20 leads from last month.

Day 9: Share a success story with your team, and ask for theirs!

Day 10: Spend 30 extra minutes training.

Day 11: Call 3 clients to check in, and get 3 referrals and 3 Google Reviews for the agency.

Day 12: Overcome one objection and close the sale.

Day 13: Identify and reach out to 3 Centers of Influence (COIs). Start building your Road to Century Club!

Day 14: Host or encourage a team training session.

Day 15: Write a thank-you note to a loyal client. Follow-up with them to get a referral.

Day 16: Revisit and follow up on stalled quotes.

Day 17: Update your pipeline and prioritize your hottest leads. Keeping this neat and tidy will save you TIME.

Day 18: Close two households (2 cars, 1 home).

Day 19: Share a positive review or testimonial on social media.

Day 20: Celebrate your wins for the month and plan for the next one.



As always, the team at Craig Wiggins Coaching is available to partner with you and your agency towards new heights and greater accomplishments.

Reach out to use and let’s see how we can fast-track your development by working together.

Know you want to get started?

Use code “BLOGS” at sign-up to get $100 off your first month.

Let’s make 2025 a great year!

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