4 Tips for Transitioning and Managing Remote Work
4 Tips for Transitioning and Managing Remote Work Hello all, As we venture forth into 2024, we’ve already began to see trends adjusting and new “normals” come into focus. Remote work flourished during the Covid-impacted 2020 year, but we truly saw it blossom with agencies across the nation in these last twelve months. As we […]
Finishing the Year Strong; A Reflection from Craig Wiggins
Finishing The Year STRONG Hello all, As we approach the end of another impactful year, I wanted to take a moment to share some reflections that I believe will not only help you navigate the current state of the industry but also propel you towards finishing the year on a high note. The […]
Be A Great Communicator
BE A GREAT COMMUNICATOR Your role in an insurance agency is not just about selling a product or service; it’s about building and maintaining relationships that can lead to the long-term success of your agency. Excellent customer communication is key to creating trust, satisfaction, and loyalty. Exceptional communication is truly an art in all its […]
Goal Setting
GOAL SETTING Most of us have goals in our personal and professional lives. We tend to set these goals during specific times of the year like the start of a new year, wrapping up the year strong, or because of an upcoming event or deadline. No matter when or what kind of goal you are […]
Are You Spending Your Time On The RIGHT Things
Are You Spending Your Time On The RIGHT Things? There are only so many hours in the day. Is your agency spending the right amount of time on the right things for your agency to be successful and deliver a great customer experience? When it comes to reaching your sales goals, you must know what […]
What You Can Learn From These Young Entrepreneurs
What You Can Learn From These Young Entrepreneurs The most obvious lesson from these budding entrepreneurs is to check your spelling and grammar. You should always double check your work by using any tools available to you, like spell check, or by having a team member look over your work. Communicating clearly and professionally is […]
10 Ways To Start Living A Better Life
10 WAYS TO START LIVING A BETTER LIFE People often talk about how they want their life to be better. However, many people never make changes to make their life better. Why? I believe it’s because they think the changes have to be major or require a plan, so they just keep living the same […]
The 25% Rule
The 25% Rule I think most Agency Owners understand that lead generation at the agency level is changing. Consumers are much harder to reach, leads are becoming more expensive, laws are constantly changing regarding telemarketing and some carriers are even competing with their agencies for leads. So what do you do to insulate yourself from […]
Smart Marketing
Smart Marketing I was working with an Agency Owner talking about the future of our industry and more specifically, lead generation and what that might look like. We had a good meeting and I thought I would share a few thoughts with all of you. Our business is changing rapidly. What is driving this change? […]
Choices & Decisions
Choices & Decisions Some people may not like this, but I have a feeling there may be some people that need to hear it… Choices and decisions. Success is ALL about choices and decisions. Over the last 25 years in this business, it’s ALWAYS been about choices and decisions. Choices and decisions determine winners and […]